We are all familiar with those Myers Briggs tests that many of us had to take in school. These tests are interesting but they really aren’t that useful in helping you become a success. Most personality tests measure how you see yourself, not how the world sees you.
While listening to the podcast Entrepreneur On Fire, I heard about a new personality test called the Fascination Advantage Assessment. It attempts to measure how others see you when you are at your best. The goal of this is that if you can identify what you do well and maximize that; then you can be much more effective speaker, coach, leader, etc.
When you are acting in your natural state and doing what you do well then you come across as relaxed and energetic which is exactly what you want to portray to your students or colleagues. In addition when you are being your natural self you feel more connected and everything seems to come easier.
I took this test and found it to be pretty accurate. It said that my archetype is a combination of Mystic and Innovation, which I thought was right on. I am most comfortable sitting in the back of a meeting, listening and analyzing and then coming up with new solutions.
The test also helps to identify your “dormant” area, which is a trait that does not come as naturally. When you are using this trait you will look awkward and appear to struggle; which is because you will feel awkward and less connected. You have to expend way more mental energy in this task then you would do what you do well.
The test identified my dormant trait as “trust.” Which means that in situations where I have to gain someone’s trust, I have a hard time. This isn’t to mean that I am not trustworthy, it is just that when I think through concepts I tend to skip a lot of steps and go directly to what I think is the most reasonable solution. It becomes uncomfortable when I have to try to explain that to someone else. Which is a little like when you were a kid in school and the teacher made you show your work.
As a teacher, if you know that your archetype includes passion then you should work on doing more of that. Let your passion shine through in your teaching, you will come across more natural and feel more at ease while doing it. It may seem like this is a fancy way of saying “be yourself” but actually it is saying “be your best self.” Emphasize what you do best and don’t worry about the rest.
If you would like to find out your archetype for free, the go to www.howtofascinate.com/you
Enter the code “fire” where it says, “book code.”